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Domain Name Registration

English Domain
When establishment a web site, generally English text domain name is important to identify the different types of web page and web site.
With the increasing popularity of e-commerce, own an convenient and easy to remember URL is a necessary. We provide you with registration services, so that you occupy the advantage.
The major international English domain name:
.com / .net / .org / .biz / .info / .us
hk Hong Kong Domain names
Compare with the latest released second level .hk Domain (Second-Level.hk Domain Name) and the third level domain category (i.e. MyName.com.hk"), the second level's .hk Domain has a shorter domain name, easy to memorize.
Why second-level domain name:
- You can highlight your local company size by a shorter domain name
- Easier register application of the second level .hk domain, expedite the process of your application
- More domains for you to choose
Personal domain .idv.hk
.idv.hk Personal domain name is your personal domain name owned by
(Eg: http://www.yourname.idv.hk), as long as you hold a Hong Kong permanent identity card, you can multiple individuals apply for domain names, so you can own more personal Web space and maintain close liaison with net-friends.
English .tv domain names
.tv is a brand new and a symbol of new generation domain name, it is also the World's most recognizable two letters. .tv also mark as a plentiful media, video and broadband contents. This is exactly the future trends and outlook of the Internet.